Use this system to set goals for the new year, or any other time really.
🚀 Dream -
- 🧠 Why?
- 🎯 SMART Goal
- ⚛️ Habit?
- 🤯 How surprised would I be if I failed? (Scale of 1-10)
- ☠️ Top 3 Reasons for Failing
- 🦸 WHO can help?
- 📚 HOW can I stack the deck to succeed?
🚀 Dream - Write a Book I'm Proud of
- 🧠 Why?
- Fun
- I've committed to it now with book deals lol
- Could be an interesting way to reach a new audience
- Always wanted to write a book
- If it's good, could unlock more opportunities further down the line
- 🎯 SMART Goal
- First draft complete by 31st March 2022
- Final draft sent to publishers by 31st July 2022
- ⚛️ Habit?
- 3 hours every morning to write
- 🤯 How surprised would I be if I failed? (Scale of 1-10)
- ☠️ Top 3 Reasons for Failing
- Don't make enough time to write the book
- Takes longer than expected to make it good
- "Urgent" things keep propping up so that I never make time for it
- 🦸 WHO can help?
- Book coach
- Editors
- Agent
- Team
- Audience
- 📚 HOW can I stack the deck to succeed?
- Make sure calendar always empty for book writing
- Tell team the importance of book-writing time so that urgent stuff doesn't happen
- Be disciplined in my writing habit
- Make it super easy to get started with writing each morning